In a world that is preoccupied, panicked, and perturbed, Jesus offers a peace that passes all understanding. Because of the work He accomplished at Calvary, forgiveness of sins and the promise of Heaven can be ours. Nothing in all of history is as significant as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That’s why Easter is so important to Christians. We should approach the holiday with all of the reverence, wonder, and celebration that it deserves. Let KCBI help you prepare your heart during the Easter season with a brand-new ebook devotional. Preparing for Easter will turn your thoughts to Jesus, His sacrifice, His surrender, and His victory.
Just let us know where to email your free copy of this fantastic resource:
Regardless as to how long you've been a Christian or even how well you may know the Bible, reading the Bible consistently can deepen your relationship with God and help you grow in your knowledge of Him.
But reading through the Bible in a regular cadence, in it's entirety, can be a challenge.
That's why we want to help you.We can help you stay committed to reading the Bible, but more importantly, we can help you meet with God every single day.
To do this, each week we will deliver a new set of Scripture to read that week. Whether you read a new Scripture each day or read it a week at a time, at the end of the 52 weeks, you will have read the Bible from beginning to end!
Through this free weekly reading plan, you are not just following a schedule or checking off your Bible reading for that week, you are drawing closer to the Lord and experiencing true life change through the wisdom, truth, and perspective found in His Word.
Get the free Bible reading plan today by simply telling us where we can send your weekly guide using the form below: